Baby Aiko Design

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

My lil Cherry Doll....

So we are doing better. Im actually feeling good (well besides the whole getting sick thing). I feel refreshed. Even my friends say that I look better and Im not all "mopey" and depressed like I use to be. Im supppppper stoked about my life now. And right now I am working on my life. On getting Celi to be Celi once again. I had lost myself and who I was for a long time and no more feeling sorry for myself, its bout time I did something.
We are staying at my bestessssss Friends house with her man. We have been best of friends (soul sistas) for almost nine years now and her boyfriend (whom we love to death) has been with her for almost 8. So he is like family. Plus they are great with Magda. They love her soooooo! Goodness who wouldnt? I asked them to be her Godparents and they got all teary eyed and said "YES!" They have helped us alot. Taking us in and just being there. I am truly grateful.
So the weather has been freaking great lately. (Spoke too soon just saw its about to change this weekend... bummer) So we have been going on walks and hanging out outside soaking up the sun. I am content right now. I love it!!!!
Here are some pics of my chubsters in her lil summer dress (even though its almost winter!!!) And one of my Life and me... Ciao enjoy

Wednesday, November 12, 2008


Is crazy. People are crazy. People SUCK. I dont know how long it has been since Rick and I have been apart, but it seems like forever ago.... And I feel so alone. Like I am doing everything... ALONE. Do I love him? Of course, he is the father of our child. He gave me the greatest gift ever!!! But Im not in love with him anymore. So many fights, resentments, ahhh.... Im not being selfish, I dont want Magda to grow up with loveless parents (for each other) like I did. Parents who would fight all the time. NO. It has not been so good for a long time. But people dont change (me) and some change (him) for the worst. We couldnt go pretending anymore. It was inevitable. Good we are being civil about the whole thing. (Yeah when I said People SUCK... I mean other people) That was the last thing I needed was a messy divorce. Am I scared. Fuck yeah. But I must go on. I have to strive. I have my chubsters to take care of I will not fail at that. It will be hard. But whose life isnt??? I will go on. I must.

Thursday, November 6, 2008

The Begining.... The End?

Well I am sorry I havent kept up on my blogs. Since we got to Reno I have been busy/sick/stressed!!!! Magda gots a runny nose. And... well I will write about this later, but for now to keep it short....Im getting a divorce. Its final. God i want to just... I dont know. Sucks. Ciao for now.

Monday, October 20, 2008

Once Again...

  1. Well I am here in Tucson. Actually been here since the 14th. We (Magda and I) have been spending alot of our time with "Grandma Lety" (my ma) and my lil sis. We are going to be here until Sat., then we are off to Reno!!! Yayayayayay. Just not looking forward to the cold yet.
  2. NO MORE HOUSTON!!! Yay.
  3. I cant wait to go out dancing!!! We (fam. and my bestest friends) are going out the night we get to Reno. Its been sooooo long and I cant wait cause I love shaking my bootie!!! I also need a night out with my peeps!
  4. We have been taking many pics (well my ma has been camera snap-happy) of Magda I just have to put them on the comp. Ill do it soon, just been crazy cause Magda...
  5. Magda is teething (YEAH I KNOW....) so she has been extra fussy lately, plus with the whole moving and new people/places she is overwhelmed. She FIGHTS it so bad when she is so tired. She does not want to sleep whatsoever. All the "excitement" tee hee.
  6. She did great on the plane, she actually slept the whole way (2hrs 45min) I was so nervous but my kid was like "yah, this is boring...*snore*" <---yes she snores sometimes, well its more like a "wheezy" hehehe
  7. So I have been super stressed, overwhelmed, tired, and feeling like "poo" lately. Yuck. I feel so uninspired, like I don't even know who I am anymore. I feel lost. I am truly blessed and grateful for my Magda and I know I shouldn't even complain... aye. Hopefully "this" goes away

Tuesday, September 30, 2008


Sorry I havent kept up... We are getting ready to leave. Its been CRAZY!!! We get our internet and cable turned off tomorrow, so I wont be able to check in until I either go somewhere to get some "wifi" or wait til im in Tucson. Take care and chat with you all later. Ciao
p.s. Magda is a CHATTER BOX!! i love it!

Monday, September 22, 2008

My hero....

-Things have calmed down. For now. All I know is without this lil oneId go crazy. She is my hero...
-Speaking of heros.... Im a big Bigggg "Heroes" fan and new season starts tonight. So we got our munchies ready!!!
-Things to do: Pack, Clean, Pack, Get rid of some stuff... AND PACK. Oye I hate moving. Let this time be the last time (at least for awhile) I went from Reno to Ca to Reno to Houston... ahhhh
-Magda swears she can walk now. She only likes sitting down, being up!!! And when we put her on her feet to stand she gets all excited and shakes everywhere. I love when she stretches cause she tucks in her legs and sticks out her butt. Tee hee. ciao